Hello everyone
So i bought the X-Carve to help with sign work. I’ve always done my signs by hand cutting out the image and media blasting the surface. Received my X-Carve Monday got it all put together. done a few things with it just simple things. Today i decided i was going to do a sign
Use heat gun a little, might help.
Easy on the heat gun. When I did that bad things happened. Warping bubbling and cracking.
You may want to use a rotary with a semi-abrasive/softish disk like scotchbrite and kinda take down the peaks.
Combined with a little heat may be you friend. But for Your sake test on some cutoffs not ur masterpiece. I leaned the hard way.
Thanks Guys for the tip i will try them later this week and see what happens Ill keep you posted
Also when cnc cutting on acrylic move as fast as you can without losing accuracy. And then finish with a cleanup pass.