Привет. Автору программы Estlcam большое спасибо за его труды. В последнем обновлении, версии 11002 как поменять шпильки на платформе mega2560 хорошую работу с RAMS1.4
I’m sure Google works in most parts of the world… It at least works for me
Here’s how Google translates the message above…
“Hello. The author of the program Estlcam thank you very much for his efforts. In the last update, version 11002, how to change the studs on the platform mega2560”
I’m fairly confident this message might be for @ChristianKnull since it is in regards to Estlcam.
Brandon Parker
If I understand the question correctly:
- Estlcam 11 is currently in an early beta stage and only available in German on the German homepage.
- Ramps 1.4 pin layout is not supported at the moment (will most likely be added later again - but may take several weeks)
- Current stable version is 10.047 - it offers Ramps 1.4 compatible pinout.
Да вы правильно поняли. Буду ждать полной версии.
[quote=“ChristianKnull, post:4, topic:46612”]
Пандусы 1.4 расположение контактов ,будут реализованы.
Ramps 1.4 contact arrangement to be implemented.