Can i use a 1/4 in bit in my 24v spindle as is, or do i need to purchase another collet?
From what I understood (after ordering of course) is that it only takes 1/8" until you order a new spindle nut and collet from them for the 1/4". Wish I would’ve known or that before ordering, maybe on the configure x-carve page that way I could’ve just added it to my order. Not that it’d arrive on time anyway lol.
You better get a really, really short (minimum stickout) 1/4" bit for the stock spindle. It struggles from both a torque and stability standpoint, especially in hardwoods and metal.
A new ER11 - 1/4 inch collet is all you need, the spindle nut will work fine with the new collet. You can also get 4mm and 6mm ER11 collets that will work fine with the 24V spindle.
Ebay has many sellers offering ER11 Collets for under $5 each.
I got a 1/4" and a 6mm for about $1 each.
I just ordered my x-carve two days ago and getting ideas for carving including on hard woods and plexiglass. I saw these collets on ebay: enter link description here
I was wondering if this would work? Also if I have to get another spindle nut for these if they work. Not having the x-carve in just yet, it’s hard to know.
They will work. ER11 is a standard so any ER11 will be fine (I guess some may be higher quality than others).
You will not need a new spindle nut, the one you have is fine.
In my experience you will not need that many collets, I have a 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch, 4 mm and 6 mm and so far I have been able to find any bit I need in one of those shank sizes.
It is hard enough keeping those 4 organized with their corresponding bits, having 18 collets would surpass my limited organizational abilities.
I do recommend that you go ahead and find a 60 degree and 90 degree V-bit on Ebay and order them and the collet size they need. They ones I ordered were from China and took about 3 weeks to arrive, but they were less than $10 and work very well. If you plan to do any sign making or lettering the V-Bits are required.