EMI and Grounding Loops?


I’m about to upgrade my 2015 X-Carve ( X-Controller ) with a 1.5kW HuanYang GT VFD and matching 0.8kW HuanYang Water Cooled Spindle.

Reading through some of the threads covering VFDs I came across the issues of EMI and Grounding Loops which might be a thing with my cramped setup since every piece of electronic in my basement will be run off a single 220V power outlet - That will be the PC ( or Laptop ), X-Controller, VFD & Vacuum.

Concerning the EMI I was thinking about buying a quality shielded cable and not running it along the other wires of the machine but instead along the wall / ceiling and then hanging it down towards the Spindle with enough slack for the head to reach all corners of the machine without issues ( maybe support it with a wire attached to a spring mildly keeping it on tension? )

As for preventing grounding loops I was thinking of connecting the PC to the X-Controller using an Adafruit USB Isolator?

Controlling the VFD via the X-Controller appears to be done using a 4 wire connection - 2 to turn on/off the spindle ( requiring a 1 Channel Relay Shield Module ) and another 2 to set the RPM which both appear to cause an electrical connection and possible grounding loop - Anything that can/should be done about this?

Speaking of 1 Channel Relay Shield Module… These buggers appear to require a 5V Power Source coming in from the X-Controller side - Where would one usually get those 5V from? Off an internal connection from the X-Controller or a 5V Phone Charger / 5V Power Supply?

Any other precautions you’d recommend or advices?