Since this forum will probably involve discussion of a lot of 3D files, one thing that is on my wishlist for the forum is a way to embed 3D files with a viewer directly. I’ve been looking into a few different ways, but it isn’t looking too great. We may have to roll something custom. (That is the great thing about using an open source forum engine like Discourse.)
My ideal solution is being able to just copy and paste the URL of a file from GrabCAD or from Thingiverse or something and have it display in 3D. Looks like neither have an embeddable url though.
Sketchfab does have an embedded version, and I’ve whitelisted the
domain to allow iframe embeds from there, so here it goes. Here is the STL from the z-axis motor cover from this post. I’m just pasting the URL out of the URL bar on sketchfab:
It renders the background correctly in the preview, but I’ll have to post this to see if it really works.
[update: it totally works! It is a bit clunky, but if you export a WRL file from GrabCAD or an STL from thingiverse and upload it to SketchFab, you can embed it.]