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I’m upgrading my X-Carve to a DeWalt DWP611 spindle, but DeWalt does not make a 1/8" collet for this model. I’ve decided against a collet adapter, and have seen recommendations for both Elaire and Precise Bits collets on the forums.
The Elaire collets come in more sizes, are cheaper than the Precise Bits, and are prominently advertised as made in the US. However, it seems as if the Precise Bits collets are more precise.
Are the Precise Bits collets worth the extra cost? Or would their precision be lost in the inaccuracies (for lack of a better word) of the other components of my X-Carve?
I plan on doing mostly wood carving. However, I may also carve some copper clad for electronics that I put into my wood working projects, and when my soldering skills improve, might use surface mount components.
I think it all depends on how accurate you want to get with your cuts. Most woodworking and even PCB projects don’t need maximum accuracy (0.010" is more than enough), while metal machining pretty much requires as much as possible.
I just ordered the Precise Bit collets because I want to get my X-Carve as accurate as I can get it so I can move between metal and wood easily. I’ve got friends who want custom aluminum parts for their bicycles and such, so precision is going to be important for me. I’ve considered getting the Elaire collets though, and using the Precise Bit collets only when I need max accuracy.
In the reality, using Dewalt Router and talking about precisions not fitting in same hole. Yes I am a Dewalt user, have no doubt that, it is work horse. But if you check specifications, you’ll se how high is the vibration ratio is. If someone need precise job, must start thinking about good quality spindle. If not, Elaire Colette is running good. No need to spend extra money. My two cents.
Just wanted to add a note on Elaire collets. I spoke to Mark there today and he says they have been getting a ton of orders for the incorrect 1/8 in. Collet. For the dewalt 611 make sure you order DWP1250 cant find the original post, but just wanted to get that out there.