Easel speed and feed "assumptions"

As I get ready for my X-Carve to arrive, I’ve been working with Easel to familiarize myself with the workflow. As I dive deeper and start to investigate things like speeds and feeds I’ve realized that Easel must be “assuming” quite a few things.

For example:
-Does Easel assume you are using carbide, coated carbide or HSS bits…?
-How many flutes does Easel assume…?
-What spindle speed is being assumed, especially if using something like a Dewalt DW611

These things greatly affect the speed and feed calculations. When plugging numbers into a S&F calculators like FSWizard or G-Wizard I get VERY different results in the feed rate and depth per pass compared to the recommendations given in Easel when choosing the same material. I mean, differences that can be off by 200%-800%.

Can anyone describe how to calculate the right speed and feeds to be used with the X-carve…?


We’ve got a bit, as well as some sample feeds and speeds for the Shapeoko on that wiki: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable

If you’ve got G-Wizard though, why not just use that?

@WillAdams Yes, I can use G-Wizard, but the S&F results that I get with it are so different from what Easel recommends, one of them must be off… and by a lot. So I am left wondering, which one is correct…? Are the recommendations given in Easel optimized in some way for the X-Carve and if so, how…?

At a guess the Easel feeds and speeds are conservative and intended to minimize breaking bits, probably at the expense of tooling life.

Has anyone has any luck with the “FSWizard Speed Feed Calc” (free or paid) Android apps?

Can someone from the Inventables staff comment on this topic…? When my machine arrives should I use the preset Easel S/F settings or the ones I get from GWizard…? Or something in between…??