Easel says there's nothing to cut with the roughing & detail feature

I have made several cuts with the 2 bit system with good success, but I have a project, just loaded on my Easel that refuses to see the cut with a Larger bit. My fine detail cutter is 1mm with a rough cut of 6,5mm. The design is a fine cut carving 2mm deep and this is then cut out of the material by way of the roughing cut in a circle. If I leave the bits setup, 1mm & 6,5mm in their respective tabs Easel tells me there is nothing to cut with the current bits. If I then adjust the Detail bit to 6,5mm all the lines on my design show the thicker cut. This will then cut the entire design out with the roughing bit, and not use the detail bit for the fine detail.

Am I doing something wrong in the design process perhaps?

(I moved your post into its own topic so more people might see it.)

Hi @WarrenKrummeck, could you share the Easel project & post a link here? I’m not sure I understand the problem you’re having, but I bet someone will be able to help.

Here is a link to the project

My idea is to cut out the fine detail with a detail bit and cut the sign out of the stock with the bigger, more robust bit.

Hi Phil, I am really Junior in this game, how would I rectify that, i.e. get fills?

Awesome, on it, thank you

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Thank you for the advice and assistance!!

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