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only older easel drivers (0.3.2) used to work in my situation. installing newer drivers (0.3.8, 0.3.7) are “not detected” by easel resulting in the “install the easel driver” pop up. (clicking on “download for mac” and installing the driver, even after restarting the mac, will not help and easel will again ask to “install the easel driver”).
i am on a mac (both a mac-mini and macbook pro — both same thing), latest os (10.12.6) using safari (also tried firefox - same thing)
now i upgraded the firmware in the x-controller (as easel suggested — hoping i would be able to use the latest easel drivers): the older drivers say “doesn’t support your machine”. downloading the new driver (0.3.8) gives the same problem i had before.
re-flash the x-controller GRBL back to 1.0c then you should be able to use the older (3.2) driver. the newer version of GRBL will not support the older drivers and requires the newer Easel drivers. so that is one of the problems. as for why the newer drivers will not work I would suggest you try to have them load in a terminal and check to see if there are any messages as to why they do not work.
not the only option. you can try to figure out why the newer drivers are not working on your system. there is always an answer, it is just a question of figuring it out. I use lLinux and compile the MAC driver to work with my system and sometimes it is a real pain to get it to work but I always feel better about it in the end as I learn while exploring why.
never said it was the x-controller, it is that 1.1f will not work with the older versions of Easel Local. if you can not get the newer versions of Easel Local to work on your system then you need to downgrade to a version of GRBL that is compatible with the older Easel Local like 0.3.2.
there is no source. after downloading it I have to extract the files from the download (the mac installer is just a compressed archive) from there I can make the driver compatable with Linux. you can read this post to see how this is done. and you should be able to extract the files and execute them from there. Easel Local for Linux? - #17 by SamyKamkar - Easel - Inventables Community Forum
thanks for encouraging me to look at the driver! i found/fixed the problem:
i looked at system.log using the console app. and i found lots of these:
Aug 1 23:42:29 Sacred com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.Iris): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug 1 23:42:39 Sacred com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.Iris[11189]): Service could not initialize: Unable to set current working directory. error = 2: No such file or directory, path = /Library/Easel/iris: 16G29: xpcproxy + 11215 [1386][1E2A2740-D4E5-342E-A502-4792BD02598D]: 0x2
Aug 1 23:42:39 Sacred com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.Iris): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug 1 23:42:49 Sacred com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.Iris[11191]): Service could not initialize: Unable to set current working directory. error = 2: No such file or directory, path = /Library/Easel/iris: 16G29: xpcproxy + 11215 [1386][1E2A2740-D4E5-342E-A502-4792BD02598D]: 0x2
i checked /Library/Easel/iris and it does not exist! but /Library/Easel/Iris does (capital “I”). someone made a typo somewhere…
Sacred:~ frank$ cd /Library/Easel/iris
-bash: cd: /Library/Easel/iris: No such file or directory
Sacred:~ frank$ cd /Library/Easel
Sacred:Easel frank$ ls
my fix was making a symbolic link from Iris to iris:
Sacred:Easel frank$ sudo ln -s Iris iris
Sacred:Easel frank$ ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 136 Aug 1 23:44 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 57 root wheel 1972 Aug 1 00:15 …
drwxrwxr-x 9 root admin 510 Aug 1 23:44 Iris
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4 Aug 1 23:44 iris -> Iris
Sacred:Easel frank$
and all works now!
btw: on a mac, i think/remember, you can format your disk either as case sensitive or insensitive. so case insensitive formatted drives will not have this problem
Thanks for posting your fix. I have seen other post on people having trouble with the newer Easel local on Mac. Hopefully this can help some others that have had the same issue.
this is something that @Zach_Kaplan could have the developer’s look into. as this has been brought up in several post in this forum if it is a case of the file being case sensitive it seems like it would be relatively easy to fix in the next version.
EDIT: I completely removed the Easel folder in system library and then reinstalled the current driver. it works!
[Original post:]
I am having what I believe is the same issue. Finally migrating to the X-Controller from the Arduino setup. Easel won’t move beyond the “Download Easel Driver” page. Is this the best fix for this?
You are a genius, haven’t thought about case sensitive formatting of my mac
This should be e real simple fix on inventables side that would save a lot of headachs for people how have no idea what trouble case sensitive can cause (me included)
@GriffinDennis i contacted you twice (via support) with this problem and now there is the cause of it.