Easel not working

Is anyone else having a problem with easel, it seems that i cannot load any projects they just stop in 90%.

Also the stepper motors make a tick sound every 15 sec when easel is open and the Xcarve connected.

I’m with ya on this! I haven’t had Easel do a good cut since I put this machine together. Did great for a few days and now is not working stable at all. If I knew I would have to spend almost as much in software on this thing, I never would have purchased it! I love the machine but the software in easel is terrible. Aspire is the way to go but $2000 is crazy expensive. Better start a busness to get your investment back. Not fun anymore at all.

I just started using it today and it’s buggy. I have to find an alternative solution. My main problem is that the objects that I create are not draggable. Alternatively if I set the coordinates manually, the objects are staying where I assign them.

Hi @DonaldM_Williams and @FrancisNSutton,

Sorry you’re having trouble with Easel. I took a look at your projects.

@FrancisNSutton: Your project consists of tiny circles with outline style=inside. The circles are too tiny for the bit to actually be able to follow the inside of the shapes. Because they are also set to cut all the way through and use tabs, this triggered a corner case in Easel’s tab logic: it didn’t properly handle this degenerate case where there are actually no paths on which to place tabs. We should have foreseen this problem, but we didn’t. We’re sorry for that. We have pushed out a fix and you should be able to drag your circles around now.

@DonaldM_Williams: It appears that coincidentally your project had a similar issue. I am able to load your project now as well. Let me know if it is working the way you expect.

@OskarThorBjornsson: which project(s) are you having trouble loading?


Hi, it is working now, it was the project Skurðabretti-oskar.

Keep up the good work guys, i have been working with Xcarve and Easel for about 5 monts and it is getting better each day.

One thing that is bothering me is that it is not possible to turn off the right part on the screen as in the realtime display, maybe it would be possible to make the work area separate. When i am importing bigger SVG files it is so slow to work with it. But maybe it is just my computer :smile:.

Hey Jeff, thanks! It’s working.

@Zach_Kaplan & others with more experience than me.

Hi all.
Having problems with Easel and my X Carve…

I removed Easel Local and reinstalled it. Double checked all my machine settings and it still won’t work.

Basically what’s happening, I’m trying to cut a square shape from MDF… And it looks like X carve isn’t remembering where it started… It will move to the far right corner of the square and commence cutting. When it moves toward the lower left corner, it keeps going, slamming itself against the end stops… Any help is appreciated.

Hi @MatthewHoy I am sorry you are having trouble. Please contact our support team. They can help you work through the issue.

For me, it won’t simulate tools paths or send to x controller. Only loads close to half way and stops. I’ve given it 30 minutes, still won’t load or send.

It’s possible your project is too large. Easel is limited to the amount of code that it can except. Contact customer service. They are excellent to work with and should be able to resolve your issue