This error has just started today and I believe it is since upgrading to the latest drivers. Never had an issue with this before going on 18 months. When I click on the ‘Explore’ button to open Easel, a new window opens and a screen is presented with previous projects.
Now if I select a project to open the design opens on the webpage but the ‘carve’ button stays blue.
If then I click on the Icon to bring up the list of projects again and open another design, a new window opens and the CNC then connects and the button goes green ready to carve.
Has anyone else experienced issues like this?
Very strange as like I said I’ve never had an issue like this before with Easel. I also use UGS and it connects no problem.
Mine is doing the same thing. I cant figure it out either,
Any clues Inventables? Still doing the same thing, have to open a second window to get a connection to my machine? Thanks.