Easel Live

Easel Live Classes are Inventables online video classes. Each class includes a video tutorial and template to help you learn techniques to make awesome projects in Easel. To date there have been about 20 classes. I’m curious to hear two things from the community first if you’ve ever watched.

  • I’ve watched Easel Live
  • I’ve never watched Easel Live

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Second what topics would you like to see us cover in the future?

I try to catch most of them live as they happen, I’ve picked up a lot of helpful info from them.

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What topics would you like to see in the future?

I’ve seen 1 in the beginning. Kinda hard to find, The only link I found was way down on the Easel page, no need to scroll that far when the link to easel is right there. Should be a topic here also.

How about some getting started topics, using machine inspector, calibration, understanding and using machine zero.


I’ve watched about half of them, and caught the second one on Bits “Live”, and found it very informative. I would like to see one devoted to the Text tool and 2-staging carving for signs with lettering on different levels. A lot of users have published some impressive projects and I want to try of couple of signs now that I have my machine setup with dust collection and reasonably well “calibrated”.

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I think it would be helpful to have a few sessions done with technical help topics and not just projects.
Tramming a machine
Best practice for waste board flattening
Squaring a machine
Understanding Home vs Work Zero

I mention these because they tend to come up time and time again here and on FB.


Stacked text signs seem to be all the rage now, it might be cool to see how Mo would attack one of those.

When is the next Easel Live, and what is the schedule for it?

old topic, but relevant…

a bit on tuning specific to the x-carve would be good, and also some additions on clamping/jigs and material explorations I think would help get people going at speed a bit more quickly… they are a little more dry than some topics, so maybe include a specific project that uses them to both make them more engaging and give people an additional hook to remember the information by