Easel instruction manual

Is there a Easel manual that covers all details of Easel.

Most programs have instructions manual.

Like for instance, what are the limits of depth of pass. I entered .000, and the router steped down on it’s own.

Do you connect the machind to USB first and then select easel, or the other way around.

Why is there no erase function in Easel.

A lot of my questions come up on weekemds, and no help avaliable.

Click Support Tab Above. Select Easel Tab from there, there are tons of instructions resources there, good luck !

I have been tryng to locate all the details of Easel for a while now, and I find I have to call Inventables about every week to ask a question about things.

Some of you know all this stuff because you use it a lot.

Can’t find anything about using a pen to draw things first to see what things will look like. What settings to use to draw on paper with spring loaded pen.

I want to use a spring loaded diamond to etch glass, marble, mirror tile, wall and floor tile, etc. Where to find this data.

I want to know min and max feed speeds.
I want to know min and max plunge depth.
I want to know min and max settings for depth per pass.

Is 200% the limit on speed increase in plus mode

I am sure some of you know this data by trial and error.

If you were ever in they military, the instructions manuals covered every detail about everything.

I want a full detailed manual.

I should not have to read every post in the forum to find out this data.

Is there anyone else besides me that needs a manual?

Why is there not an erase function in Easel?

Is there an easy way to lay out 40 holes in wood or plexiglass or whatever for cnc bits in Easel with different depth. A copy function would be nice for this tedious job.

There is probably more to post, but not now.

Welcome to “definitely not the military”. :slight_smile:

Having the X-Carve run a pen around as opposed to performing a milling operation is not something it was designed to do, so you can either search for details from others that have tried it, or try yourself.

Ditto on etching glass/ceramic/marble/etc.

Easel provides recommended feed rates and depths based on bit diameter and material type. They are JUST recommendations, and it’s not a comprehensive database, so again, some searching and/or trial on your part will be required.

You definitely don’t have to read the entire forum. Use the search capability to find just the information you’re looking for (everything you asked about in your post has been covered in detail in many other threads). If you can’t find exactly the answer you’re looking for, feel free to ask your specific question. The community here is great, with tons of people that want to help fellow owners get the most out of their machines.

You are definitely not the only person that would like some assistance. However, the forum IS one of the primary sources of that assistance. :slight_smile:

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1 - Anything goes, within reason
2 - Search for reference sources, youtube and this forum would apply
3 - Depends. Your particular system, material, bit quality, tool path philosophy and a lot more all play a role here
4 - See #3
5 - Anything from 0 to full depth, again - depends
6 - I assume you are talking about feed override, this is not a Easel Pro requirement if I understand you correctly
7 - We all do, most of us are not done trying either
8 - There isn’t one
9 - You shouldn’t, take one step at the time and build the knowledge required for your ambitions
10 - Not unlikely
11 - In CAD world vector rules. Each part is an object, and that object either is there or isn’t there. One can’t remove a part of an object. You can edit the object to reflect the change given. I fail to see what an eraser function would solve.
12 - Yes. Easel have a Array app. You can also select regions of objects and give them one value, select a new region and give them another. So 40 holes, evenly spaced with different depth isn’t very tedious at all when the tool (Easel) is known.

Easel boot camp:

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@JjGray. Take a look at these videos. They may help you get started

Paw Paw’s WorkShop - YouTube

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Let me be specific. what would be the settings to make one pass on plexiglass. The diamond bit is spring loaded. I see the setting for plexiglass, but I will not be cutting, just drag engraving. A tiny line is what I need , one time around, no second pass The diamond tip is .003 in. Step over is another thing I need to know.

The same settings would apply to pen on paper also…

You guys that think a manual is not necessary is just wrong. Just read the forum aien’t going to get the job done. I have purchased two x-carves , worth several thousand dollars and you would think a good manual would be included. They have several full time tech answering questions from dawn to dusk, 5 days a week. You would think they would have developed a manual to save the phone calls.

Another thing, you guys that seem to know all the answers, could write a manual and make money selling it.

I have also purchased the feeds and speeds calculator from Bob Warfield from CNCCookbook
The speeds don’t exactlymatch those from Easel.

I have searched the forum and watched youtube videos, and still have not found what I am looking for.

Trial and error or make up your own rules, I guess.

Learning by mistakes is one thing, but breaking $40 to $100 dollar bits dosen’t sit well.

I hate begging people for answers whereas a good manual would provide the answers for the most part until you had to get someone to clarify the manual.

I searched for drag engraving and diamond engraving and found nothing.

If anyone is doing drag engraving on items I mentioned above, lets share settings, etc…

To make one pass on anything, you want to set your depth per pass equal to your cut depth. You don’t want to set that cut depth deeper than is reasonable for your selected bit and feed rate. As for that feed rate, that’s where you’re going to have to do some research/experimentation.

If you’re working in Easel, this will be a little difficult if you just want a single line. Easel will try to fit your selected bit into your design shapes as many times as it can, but won’t overdo it. This means if you draw a line that’s thinner than your selected bit, Easel won’t actually do any pathing there. Conversely, if you draw a line that’s as big as or bigger than your selected bit diameter plus your stepover, you’re going to end up with two or more paths there (at the same Z level). You may need to look into a different CAD/CAM software (i.e. Fusion 360) to achieve exacty what you’re after.

Approximately everyone else currently on the forum that is succcessfully using their X-Carve would probably disagree with you. :slight_smile:

Without a proper manual!? You rogue!!

I’d rather spend most of my free time actually using and learning on my X-Carve, and spend relatively fewer hours on the forum sharing my experiences with those that appear not to have a problem consuming information in such a format. But that’s just me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speeds and feeds obtained from calculators are going to be idealized. Here in the real world, you have to use what actually works. Also, referring to my first post…


You may be the first! How does it feel to be a trend-setter?? Please be sure to share your knowledge and experiences so that others may learn from you!

Stop buying bits made of palladium. While you’re learning, get the el-cheapo’s from Amazon and eBay.

The forum is made for asking and answering questions, and sharing this information. This does not constitute begging.

…you realize this leaves “good” as highly subjective, right?

That’s the spirit!!

All snark aside (I’ve had a bit too much ale from a few too many flagons), I think most of your frustrations are stemming from the fact that you’re attempting to do some things using the X-Carve and Easel that neither was really designed to do (but the X-Carve is capable of). Even if you had the manual you’re pining for, it wouldn’t help much for the operations your describing.


To use the forum to its potensial may I suggest one thing:
Keep it short and specific, address one issue at the time.

You have purhcased a cool set of tools :slight_smile: Now you need to learn using them to their potensial. Reading alone wont get you there. Period.

Tell us what you are trying to do, provide us with some specifics on material, bit info and you can immideatly tap into the accumulated wisdom (and errors made) of this forum :slight_smile:

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