Jelle, great work on this so far. I tested a Fusion 360 dxf export and received an “UnrecognizedClientExecption.” Have you been able to work on Fusion 360 more. Thanks for the app! Chris
You may want the dxf file as well. f to e test.dxf (2.8 KB)
Same error for me also
@ChrisChew @DeanWort @JadySwinkels
My understanding is that the update has not been applied yet.
Thank you!
Hi Guys,
The app is back online since yesterday. Most of the files uploaded here work as a charm now. I need to have a closer look at laser.dxf and bird 3D stand.dxf.
At the moment, every DXF is imported as if the measurements were in millimeters but tonight I will fix that so also inch is supported.
Please let me know if you run into any other problems and thanks again for the input
Cheers, Jelle
Jelle, This is a very exciting addition to the app catalog for me! I’ve wanted this for a while as I do a lot of designs in AutoCAD. I just tried importing a .dxf from AutoCAD and (other than the scaling) it worked great! Even the scaling isn’t really a big deal since you can lock the aspect ratio and scale it, but an inch option would be amazing! Great job, this app is truly a game changer for me!
Thanks, Joe
Works great Jelle! I tried a Fusion 360 dxf file and I could see the 2D image in the upload window this time. Once in Easel, I could set my cut depths for the whole drawing. Thank you so much!
Thanks you Joe, Chris!
Both inch and mm should work now and I’ve added cm just to be sure. The scaling will only work if your dxf has the $INSUNITS set. Standard DXF should have that.
In the near future the app will take the easel unit system if no unit system could be detected. Also the library I am using is still in development and I suspect it will improve over the coming months. But again if you experience any problems, report them here and I will do my best to resolve them.
Happy carving and happy 4th of July!!
Just wanted to say, many thanks for your work on this
This is Great!
Thank you!
Works well with babaCad and Draftsight
files saved as R2013 ASCII.dxf.
Thanks for working diligently on this app, Jelle. I use an old version of AutoCad (ACAD2002) and the majority of my drawings are in the 2 digit kilobyte range (not very large files at all). I also noticed with one drawing I did (for the outline of a sign), the curves came close, bur were off/distorted slightly in places when imported into Easel Pro with the DXF app.
If you are interested in looking at the file, I’ll upload it here: sign shape 1.dxf (18.5 KB)
Dear all,
I have just uploaded a new version of the app and I’m happy to say that each DXF you have posted in this thread works as of this moment !!! I’ve also added scaling and if your DXF doesn’t have a scale, the app takes your preferred unit system from easel (inch or mm).
@Kel : your bird stand will now have it’s beautiful round circles.
@DonnieSmith : your error has been fixed and your file works as of this moment.
If some one does encounter some other issues, please don’t hesitate to post your DXF here and I will do my best to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you very much, Jelle, for the hard work and effort put into this.
It is very much appreciated
I have just tested this app with the DXF files produced by Visio 2010 and it works fine but the SVG files produced by Visio also work as long as they don’t have text elements.
Is anyone else having success or problems with the DXF import?
My tests from Inventor and Fusion 360 are coming in 10 times too big.
testDXF_2_F360.dxf (3.7 KB)
test_inv2018_DXF.dxf (204.8 KB)
Hi @NeilFerreri1,
I accidentally switched mm and cm around so that’s why your DXF was 10x bigger. It should be corrected now
Thanks again for helping me test!
note for next time… maybe have a Recent and a Testing version set up so there is less confusion when making tweaks? (I know, the wwhole thing is labeled beta, it’s just a thought)
HI Jelle,
Thanks for the awesome addition. I only got a chance to try it now and my part is very close to perfect. I would like to ask assistance with two things, but this has nothing to do with you DXF import section (that is awesome).
- How would I select to not cut on the line but inside or outside the line in Easel once imported?
- How would I ensure i get the correct sequence for cutting my part. Currently it’s cutting the part out the piece of wood before machining the small holes.
Your assistance would much appreciated.