Does Easel work with "other"

Does Easel work with “other” cnc routers? or just X-Carve, Shapeoko and Carvey?

I think that it would work with any grbl shield-based CNC machine.

Does that mean any cnc machine that runs g-code? Sorry but I am a noob to cnc just trying to learn.

Most cnc’s run g-code but grbl is a specific form factor that our machines run on by default. The “G” in gshield is short for grblshield and Easel is designed for this operating system only as i understand it.

Sorry, I should have explained more. The g-shield or grbl-shield is the electronics package that drives these machines. Your typical “off-the-shelf” CNC machine probably uses a different set of electronics to drive it, but it’s popular with X-Carve, Shapoko, and other hobbiest home-built machines.

Hi @DionBower,

Easel is designed to work with X-Carve, Shapeoko & Shapeoko 2, and Carvey. We haven’t tested any other machines with Easel—you might be able to connect to another machine, but Easel doesn’t officially support anything else.

If Easel doesn’t work with your machine, you can still use it for design and export your g-code to another application like Universal Gcode Sender.


I got a good deal on a Digital Wood Carver CNC machine on Ebay and am picking that up this coming Saturday. It does come with Bobcad software but Easel seems so easy to use and I want to get started IMMEDIATELY This has been a long time coming and I’m very excited to get started using it. Being totally new to CNC I would like a generous learning curve.

Thanks Peter!

I know this is a little late but I just found this forum in order to help another customer get BobCAD working with her X-Carve. Did you ever get it going or were you happy using the Easel program?