Is there a downloadable driver to run my Xcarve through Cut2D Desktop software by Vectric?
No, you will need the X-Carve post processor for Vectric to create GRBL compatible Gcode. Then you will need software to send and control the X-Carve via USB. You can use Easel, or the Universal Gcode Sender or bCNC or ChiliPeppr. There may be others but those are all I know. In my opinion UGS is the best.
That’s what I’ve been doing but I want to get away from using Easel so I can I can run my CNC without depending on the internet. I can just save my g-code files and run them through GRBLGRU but I don’t really know that program that well. A driver for my Cut2D desktop software would eliminate all that.
UGS dont require internet access.