I’ve had the same results on the previous machine with wood. I’m going to try that again on the x carve. I’ll post results.
How are you measuring?
I have a micrometer and a caliper. Unfortunately, the inside measure of the caliper is to large to fit in the 1/16" slot to measure it. And just because I never trust a single tool, I also have a steel ruler, and cross check by getting a measurement from at least two devices whenever possible to make sure one isn’t lying to me.
If you’re seeing the same with different sized cutters, try a larger one.
Hi Neil! I had the same problem with my x-carve. What I found was the collet was “bent” This was causing my 1/8" bits to oscillate out of round. I could barely see it with the naked eye. I was doing inlays and was not impressed. I changed over to my 1/4" collet and it went away…That is when it hit me that that could be the cause. I changed to a new 1/8" collet and it went away. Earlier on I had been trying to get more reach with my bit so I wasn’t sticking it all the way up in the collet and I think it deformed the collet when I went to tighten it up. I had noticed that instead of the normal feel of the collet nut bottoming as tight as it would go, It felt spongy when I tightened it. Short version - Always put your bit in the recommended depth. I hope it helps!
I had a similar problem recently. It turned out that my spindle (dw611) was cracked. It was hard to see,in the threads, but it was there. It caused my bits to be out of center when tightened. Was less than 6 months old, so dewalt repaired it under warranty.
If it was out of center, then it would carve wide, resulting in smaller than expected dimensions, as opposed to my experience which is larger than expected, even though the bit dimension was entered accurately.
I’m currently of the opinion that there is a difference between what the bit says it is and what it ends up actually carving. I will do an exhaustive test set later when I have time to investigate further, with goal of narrowing down the cause.