I had my 1000x1000 X carve up and running just fine… Was going through the motions and getting everything set up. During my first carve i realized when i hit “raise my router” the router would move forward and not up… No big deal right?
I unplug the power supply from the wall (forgot to unplug it from the USB) i swap out the wires and try to start the machine up again. This time i cant connect to easel. Open the case back up and find the Z ground out of the block and touching the case. I plug it back into the block and still not connecting. I remove all the wires and still no connection. Put the wires back to pre-screwup position and still no connection.
I find some information to re-flash grbl on my audrino and go through those steps. About halfway through i hit a roadblock. When trying to run eprom_clear i end up getting an error of “can’t open device . com5 the system cannot find the file specified.” I unplug the gShield and try again… Nothing. I switch USB ports… Nothing. Check to make sure my com port is right… Nothing. Tried uninstalling drivers and reinstalling them… Nothing.
Side note: when everything is plugged in i get a green light on the audrino and 1 on the gShield with 3 blues next to the axis blocks.
Help i am at a loss. It was all working fine then now its not.
edit: forgot to add i have restarted also.