So, at the request of one of my commissioners, I made these earlier today! I’ve made a similar one for the same ink set that had both pockets cut with the X-Carve, and stands made with manual tools. The fellow liked that, but he wanted a smaller, more compact design to take up less desk space. So, this is what ended up happening! This could very easily be done in Easel, no problem at all. I chose to use Fusion 360 for it, since that’s where I model my designs, and sent it with CP.
These are made of cherry, finished with Deft semi-gloss lacquer. The pockets were done with a 1/8" upspiral Freud bit at 60ipm and .250 depth with a .090 stepover, router at 5. There were two passes for each pocket, a roughing pass that was an adaptive clearing one, then a finishing pass that was conventional pocketing. The walls were cut twice, removing .015 each time, with the final pass repeated.
The outer profile was done with a 1/4" Freud upspiral, at 21 ipm, again at .250 depth of cut per pass, and router speed roughly 3.5. There were two finishing passes here as well, each of .015 again, with last pass repeat. There were six tabs, triangular, and sized such that the router bit chamfer removed them entirely.
Here was the idea, as drawn out in Fusion:
And here’s how they came off of the X-Carve, checking to make sure the ink bottles fit:
Tad bit of band saw, router table and sanding to clean it up nicely:
Then a couple coats of finish!:
Nice and simple, but it came out well! As you can see from the picture of them in sanding, there are three pieces made. The next two will have different kinds of finishing. One will have felt liners in the pockets, and one will have felt liners and a piece of felt on the bottom as well, replacing the rubber feet that this one and the other will have.