It’s beautiful, but this one cost me $150 less from a scrap piece of plywood, a strip of velcro and leaves zero dust when I wrap the fun foam brush I made around it (thank you to the guy that added the air diverter file, just modified it and added a spot for the vacuum tube)
Care to elaborate on the foam brush you made. I am struggling to find a brush to attach to my dust shoe.
I’m outside with my iPad Charlie. i’ll send you info as soon as return bac home. Or you can search my post for dust shoe, word file attached for material list with links.
Here is the Brush Material Charlie.
Easy-Cut Strip Brush 1/4" Wide x 3/16" High Backing
2" Overall Height, 3 Ft. Length
7900T5 $10.02
@CharleyThomas I just bought a $1 piece of fun foam at the hobby store and made one and attached with velcro, works great, of cause i was cutting foam all day and my vac got filled, thats why you see some on the brush Nothing fancy, but it works perfectly.
Looks decant, anything working is good, cheaper the better. Besides I’m sure it works better than that lockline stuff.
That is exactly what I was looking for, Thank you very much Sir.
I like it!, Do you have the airflow diverter on it also? How did you attach the dust shoe to the 611?
@AllenMassey Yes it’s actually made into one piece, I can’t imagine any of the dust boots working well without diverting the air. Here’s the link.
Thank you for the file, I will cut one out tonight.
David, Here is an option for dust collection that doesn’t travel with the Z axis.
Fixed Dust Extraction (Easel Project)
Just winced, and coughed up a pile of cash to KentCNC.
EDIT: Man, that was some FAST shipping! USPS is saying it’ll be here monday. Colour me impressed!
Did a trial run with mine this am, ran great. Printing out a new version with thicker arms and some adjust angles and I’m GTG. Cool seeing all the different styles. Dust control is a must have.
Nice, that looks really good, do you have any problems with the Dewalt fan blowing everything around before it can be sucked up?
Not really, without the boot the 611 was flinging pieces of acrylic across the room
Test run was with scrap mdf, acrylic and aluminum would be th true test. I’ll print out the new version and have video/pics up by the end of the week coming up.
Hmm… I just got mine today, and so far I’ve had mixed results. BEAUTIFUL work, and fits the router perfectly. Dust line hooks up just great, the works. Unfortunately, I’m getting large Z-deviations every time the unit reverses direction and the bristles jam down into the workpiece. The board-leveling cycle I used to test this typically gives pass deviations well under .003, with the dust shoe on they’re probably ~.015 or greater. I don’t think I can use it in this state.
Your design looks very solid. The dimensioned drawings you created are very professional, are you an engineer?
Yes I am.