Dewalt 611. Issues

Ok. So I post in troubleshooting all the time I’m sorry.

My dewalt decided to die on my today. Curious as to what happened. It made funny clicking noises. Then stopped working. It sounded like it was a motor running out of batteries. Slowed down. Sped up. Slowed down. Stopped. Now the lights come on. But no turning motor. It’s less than a month old. Taking it back for an exchange.

I think I remember someone saying there was a part to clean. Or replace. Or tighten. Someone help so it doesn’t happen again.

If you ran your router full speed, big chance your brushes gone. Dewalt doesn’t die, you must replace your brushes. Fairly easy operation and very cheap also. Let me know if you can’t find place to by, I’ll find suppliers web site for you. Running Dewalt on full speed must be 10 minutes at a time. Go slow speed.

Thanks. I don’t run it full speed anymore.

Lowes exchanged no problem. Lol I will remember the brushes for next time though.

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