Not gonna lie. Pretty proud of this one. Although the light inlay chipped out. I think just too thin of letter and soft wood. Should have used hard wood like I did the dark one
A great Newbie tip that I am glad I listened to.
ALWAYS keep new brushes for your router motor on hand.
I never knew when I would need them. Almost forgot I bought them. And with no warning. The router would not turn on. Easy 15 min fix. Once I found the new brushes.
Masking did its job. Now to cut out on the table saw. And yes I can see the issue with the letters being fatter on the right one. Something to do with the v bit depth. Maybe a cup in the board or something. I will live with it.
My RICK AND MORTY version of an Aztec calendar or “dial”. this is what I have so far. I think its starting to look a little too busy. but at the same time looks like a lot of empty space. I will admit also this can hardly be called an Aztec calendar design because I didn’t take the time to create a symmetrical patter or anything but I gave it an effort. any advice will be appreciated. BE HONEST. and when I am totally done and have carved one I will share all the files on here.
Need help need ideas for making some sort of plaque or sign to give retiring coworkers.
It was just announced that the entire fabrication metal shop I work at will be closing. It is a department of a much larger company. We make aircraft plane parts. “Areospace” mostly electronics equipment for military jets and many plane parts for Boeing, airbus etc…
I currently specialize in sheetmetal work there. (Shears, punch press, kick press, drills, press brake, spot welding, tumbling, deburring, and bench work.)
This is an old school artisan shop. Been in operation since world war 2 era. I have the privilege of learning real skills and knowledge from true craftsman. Many of which have been honing thier craft for over 40 years. These guys are true masters. If you need it made. They will make it period.
This is where I really learned that there are button pushers and there are machinist. We are proud to say we are true machinist.
My point: a good number of these men that I look up to and have learned from will retire as a result of this closure. I would like to make and give them something that reflects and honors the craft and them as craftsman. Any help with ideas would be greatly appreciated.
How about a custom, aluminum cribbage board? If these guys are at retirement age, they are probably at least familiar with the game, if they don’t know how to play, they will have lots of time to learn if they want. You can really dial in personal touches with crib boards.
OK I think this will due. Like I said the entire Fabrication Dept. is closing. Thinking I should gift these to my mentors that are retiring. As always any advice or suggestions are welcome. I tried to reflect our work environment. with out making it too busy looking. the size will be 18 in wide X 12 in high. I think that is not too big but big enough to show the details. Some of it was V-Carved some of it Engraved. Vcarve software estimates about 2 hr cut time
Looks good!
One thing I would try to add, and this is merely my suggestion, is maybe add a carve of some of the “end products” of their work. Such as like maybe an aircraft that their first pieces went into and then maybe a carve of the most recent aircraft some of their pieces went into. Just to kind of also show, “this is some of the final results of all we’ve worked for“ kind of thing. Just my .02 anyway.
It’s a great gesture you are doing for them to show your respect and admiration.
So we make all of this stuff and most of what we make goes under the plane never to be seen by anyone except mechanics and such. But I know what you mean. Something aviation to acknowledge what industry we are in.
Cool! I see that’s a Beechcraft King Air 350, I’m a programmer, but I did a year contract with Raytheon in Wichita back in 2001. Got to watch them “cooking” the composite fuselage’s in the giant autoclave for the business jets and building the T-6 Texan’s.
Well, the F-16 is great - but I’ve always been a huge fan of the B-58 Hustler! That was a great looking plane, loved the XB-70 as well.
Yep, lot of beautiful planes in that picture! X-29, X-15, D-21 Drone, etc…
I have an entire book about the XB-70 that even goes into detail about the crash of the other one during the aerial photo shoot for GE Engines.
F-16 fits better into the overall design, I think.
ok think this is my final decision for design lay out. I will be making these soon. as the guys are getting itchy to retire in spring. Also I am very glad I decided to do this because. the company use to give you a personalized Brass clock with your name etched into it. Which we In the Fab dept made all of the retirement clocks for the entire company. Now that Fab is closing everyone across the company is being told that they will no longer be able to get the retirement clocks because we are closing fab. so now I will have a real reason to give these guys something. As the company is not even going to let us make our own retirement clocks as has been done for over 80 yrs now. its a sad end to a chapter of manufacturing.
The saga continues. Im not sure why but I decided to block out the name. I am sure he does not care but that is not my call and I respect peoples privacy. Plus this is a surprise.
About 11in tall 17in wide .700in thk. Edge glued spruce panel. I was able to cut 2 in a 24 in sq. Panel.
30 deg v bit. 55ipm about 5 hrs total for 2 of them that includes doing a flattening pass with 1in bit and cutting out the profile with .25 in bit.
Planing on doing a decorative edge on the router table. Cherry stain. Sand/polish. Shelac. Black oil based paint and wipe off with mineral spirits trick. (I know it is very hard to make out. Once the black paint is in everything should pop)