Not sure where to start troubleshooting this. It’s not really causing an issue with the type of stuff I’m carving, but I noticed that the end of my carve passes are deeper than the beginning of the pass. Anyone experience this before?
There are a few possible causes:
- the bit is slipping in the collet
- Just be sure the bit is very tight in collet
- the Z axis is missing steps
- check the voltage pot for the Z axis on the Gshield
– The Z axis may also be binding so check to be sure the ACME rod spins easily (turn it by hand – with the power off) for the full travel length of the Z axis - check to be sure the pulley is not slipping on the motor shaft
- check that the Z axis belt is tight and not slipping
- the wasteboard is not perfectly perpendicular to the spindle.
- Surface the wasteboard by using a large diameter end mill and cutting about a mm off the top over the entire working surface (you may want to screw down a secondary "sacrificial’ piece of half inch MDF on top of your “nice” wasteboard and then surface that.