@JohnLauer - Chilipeppr has saved me where UGS has failed.
I’m cutting out some pretty intricate parts right now, tens of thousands of lines of gcode each. Universal Gcode Sender has choked on two of these large files, leaving the spindle running and just hanging at some arbitrary point in the cut. Bah.
I brought the same gcode files into Chilipeppr, and have had zero problems with them. Everything is running like a champ, and I’m wasting far less material now.
So…thanks. You rock. Chilipeppr rocks. Rock ‘n’ roll. Et cetera, ad infinitum.
awesome to know. ive used UGS for about a week now with no issue but ive been wanting to look into chilipepper. may be an excuse to give it a shot. only thing is i’m running Linux on my CNC control computer. any thoughts on that?
Under linux I strongly recommend LinuxCNC. You won’t need a web connection and it is also free.
well i’m using UGS on ubnuntu now. biggest thing i want to be able to accomplish is the zero touch plate. ive been waiting to check out linuxcnc but since i already have a working solution what are the advantages of switching?
@TimothyHanson thank you so much for the kudos. I do want to say that it’s not just me working on ChiliPeppr. @JarretLuft built the Grbl workspace by forking the TinyG workspace and then customizing all of the specific items to get Grbl to work. The cool part was he used all of the extension features I built into ChiliPeppr from the start like the whole concept of workspaces.
There are also many other contributors like @FrankGraffagnino who built a pendant server, @BenDelarre who built the GPIO server, and @KevinHauser and @CarlMcgrath who have contributed to the Configurator widgets.
A possible reason, btw, that you are finding no choking is the Serial Port JSON Server. It is compiled code. The reason I went with a compiled approach is that this layer of code is possibly the most sensitive part of the operation. The garbage collection is critical in this code because if it doesn’t keep up on long jobs, things can get out of sync, and it can crash your job because you overflow the serial port buffer.