Hey All,
I am using easel to cut things but I am noticing that even though it appears centered on the computer screen, it is slightly off center when it actually cuts. I use the Z-Probe in the bottom left hand corner of my work piece but I obviously still doing something wrong.
Im thinking something is off with my “zero”- can someone explain this to me? I have looked for videos and explanations and can’t seem to find anything. I home my machine before I start anything and then move it over to my workpiece. how do I make sure Im starting at zero if my work piece is not in the bottom right hand corner of my MDF?
Is the offset = half bit diameter?
Do you start with the bit centered above the lower left corner of you material?
Is the lower left corner of you design at Easel X0Y0 position?
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How do I check these things? Thats my problem here is I am confused how I check to make sure the diameter is correct and everything is zeroed?
My material is not always in the bottom left corner of my wasteboard but I always use the zprobe before a carve.
Thanks for your help!
Ignore the grid/silk screen on the waste board.
- Work zero (Easel Home position) can be anywhere with the range of the CNC.
Example 1 (sizes are arbitrary)
Place a 10x10" piece of material and secure it to the waste board.
Insert a 1/4" end mill to your router.
Jog the bit down to the lower left corner of your work piece, place it centered over that corner. Your design to be carved need to all be in XY positive domain. (grey area seen in image, arrow point to Home position)
Example 2
Place a 10x10" piece of material and secure it to the waste board.
Insert a 1/4" end mill to your router.
Jog the bit to the very center of your material.
Your design to be centered around Easel XY0 point (red arrow)
This video may help aswell: