Just wanted to tip you off in case you want to create e.g. fingerjoint boxes in Sketchup. I have been searching a lot to find the best solutions and here is my “recipe”. If anyone have better solutions please give your comments!
- Download OpenScad - and use the script attached below to create the box with your measurements. Source: Customizable Box with Finger Joints by txoof - Thingiverse
- Export the result to a DXF file in OpenScad
- Import the DXF in Sketchup.
- Go to Extension warehouse and look up this excellent tool by thomthom: Milling tools to create dog-bone joints.
- You need to do some minor editing to the DXF imported to make closed faces. When this is completed you can use the Milling tool to auto-create dog-bones…really really cool Remember to have the correct facing (reverse faces if result is not as expected). You also of course need to take a standing on the toolbit diameter at this stage.
- After the box “skeleton” is completed do your adjustments to the box (button holes, openings, whatever).
- Export the faces to SVG using this excellent tool: Sketchup SVG Outline Plugin by simonbeard
- Import to Easel or Makercam and start carving
Create an outline for a laser cut box with finger joints
Released under the Creative Commons Attribution License
Some Rights Reserved: aaron . ciuffo 2 gmail.com
Version 3.0 12 November 2014
* rewrite from scratch
* removed kerf all together
Version 3.1 13 November 2014
* reworked layout2D to handled a greater variety of part sizes
Version 3.2 13 November 2014
* verified that removing kerf handling was a good idea
* fixed small issue with layout2D
* cookies?
Version 3.3 15 November 2014
* fixed a few typos - Thanks Mixomycetes for pointing those out
/*[Box Outside Dimensions]*/
//Box Width - X
//Box Depth - Y
//Box Height - Z
//Material Thickness
/*[Box Features]*/
//Include a lid?
addLid=1; //[1:Lid, 0:No Lid]
//Finger Hole Diameter - 0==no hole
holeDia=10; //[0:50]
/*[Finger Width]*/
//Finger width (NB! width must be < 1/3 shortest side)
//Lid finger width
//Laser kerf
//separation of finished pieces
//transparency of 3D model
alpha=50; //[1:100]
2D=1; //[1:2D for DXF, 0:3D for STL]
//transparency alpha
//cuts that fall complete inside the edge
module insideCuts(length, fWidth, cutD, uDiv) {
//Calculate the number of fingers and cuts
//draw out rectangles for slots
for (i=[0:numCuts-1]) {
translate([i*(fWidth*2), 0, 0])
square([fWidth, cutD]);
//cuts that fall at the end of an edge requirng an extra long cut
module outsideCuts(length, fWidth, cutD, uDiv) {
//calculate the length of the extra long cut
//amount of padding to add to the itterative placement of cuts
// this is the extra long cut at the beginning and end of the edge
square([endCut, cutD]);
for (i=[0:numCuts]) {
if (i < numCuts) {
translate([i*(fWidth*2)+padding, 0, 0])
square([fWidth, cutD]);
} else {
translate([i*(fWidth*2)+padding, 0, 0])
square([endCut, cutD]);
//Face A (X and Z dimensions)
//Front and back face
module faceA(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY) {
difference() {
square([bX, bZ], center=true);
//X+/- edge (X axis in OpenSCAD)
//if true, make cuts for the lid, otherwise leave a blank edge
if (addLid) {
translate([-uDivLX*fingerLidW/2, bZ/2-thick, 0])
insideCuts(len=bX, fWidth=fingerLidW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivLX);
translate([-uDivX*fingerW/2, -bZ/2, 0])
insideCuts(length=bX, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivX);
//Z+/- edge (Y axis in OpenSCAD)
translate([bX/2-thick, uDivZ*fingerW/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
insideCuts(length=bZ, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivZ);
translate([-bX/2, uDivZ*fingerW/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
insideCuts(length=bZ, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivZ);
//Face B (X and Y dimensions)
//Lid and base
module faceB(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY, makeLid=0) {
//if this is the "lid" use fingerLidW dimensions instead of fingerW
//create the local version of these variables
uDivXloc= makeLid==1 ? uDivLX : uDivX;
uDivYloc= makeLid==1 ? uDivLY : uDivY;
fingerWloc= makeLid==1 ? fingerLidW : fingerW;
lidHoleLoc= makeLid==1 ? holeDia/2 : 0;
difference() {
square([bX, bY], center=true);
//X+/- edge
translate([-bX/2, bY/2-thick, 0])
outsideCuts(length=bX, fWidth=fingerWloc, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivXloc);
translate([-bX/2, -bY/2, 0])
outsideCuts(length=bX, fWidth=fingerWloc, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivXloc);
//Y+/- edge
translate([bX/2-thick, uDivYloc*fingerWloc/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
insideCuts(length=bY, fWidth=fingerWloc, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivYloc);
translate([-bX/2, uDivYloc*fingerWloc/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
insideCuts(length=bY, fWidth=fingerWloc, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivYloc);
//lid hole with holeFacets sides
circle(r=lidHoleLoc, $fn=holeFacets);
//Face C (Z and Y dimensions)
//left and right sides
module faceC(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY) {
difference() {
square([bY, bZ], center=true);
//Y+/- edge (X axis in OpenSCAD)
//make cuts for the lid or leave a straight edge
if(addLid) {
translate([-bY/2, bZ/2-thick, 0])
outsideCuts(length=bY, fWidth=fingerLidW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivLY);
translate([-bY/2, -bZ/2, 0])
outsideCuts(length=bY, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivY);
//Z+/- edge (Y axis in OpenSCAD)
translate([bY/2-thick, bZ/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
outsideCuts(length=bZ, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivZ);
translate([-bY/2, bZ/2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90])
outsideCuts(length=bZ, fWidth=fingerW, cutD=thick, uDiv=uDivZ);
module layout2D(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY) {
yDisplace= bY>bZ ? bY : bZ+separation;
color("red") faceA(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);
translate([bX+separation+bY+separation, 0, 0])
color("darkred") faceA(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);
translate([bX/2+bY/2+separation, 0, 0])
color("blue") faceC(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);
//bottom row
translate([bX/2+bY/2+separation, -yDisplace, 0])
color("darkblue") faceC(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);
if (addLid) {
//bottomo row
translate([0, -bZ/2-yDisplace/2-separation, 0])
color("lime") faceB(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY, makeLid=1);
translate([bX+separation+bY+separation, -bZ/2-yDisplace/2-separation, 0])
color("green") faceB(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY, makeLid=0);
module layout3D(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY, alp=0.5) {
//amount to shift for cut depth
//bottom of box (B-)
color("green", alpha=alp)
translate([0, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceB(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
uDivLY, makeLid=0);
if (addLid) {
color("lime", alpha=alp)
translate([0, 0, bZ-thick])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceB(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
uDivLY, makeLid=1);
color("red", alpha=alp)
translate([0, bY/2-D, bZ/2-D]) rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceA(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
color("darkred", alpha=alp)
translate([0, -bY/2+D, bZ/2-D]) rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceA(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
color("blue", alpha=alp)
translate([bX/2-D, 0, bZ/2-D]) rotate([90, 0, 90])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceC(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
color("darkblue", alpha=alp)
translate([-bX/2+D, 0, bZ/2-D]) rotate([90, 0, 90])
linear_extrude(height=thick, center=true) faceC(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX,
module main() {
//Calculate the maximum number of fingers and cuts possible
//Calculate the max number of fingers and cuts for the lid
//the usable divisions value must be odd for this layout
uDivX= (maxDivX%2)==0 ? maxDivX-3 : maxDivX-2;
uDivY= (maxDivY%2)==0 ? maxDivY-3 : maxDivY-2;
uDivZ= (maxDivZ%2)==0 ? maxDivZ-3 : maxDivZ-2;
uDivLX= (maxDivLX%2)==0 ? maxDivLX-3 : maxDivLX-2;
uDivLY= (maxDivLY%2)==0 ? maxDivLY-3 : maxDivLY-2;
if(2D) {
layout2D(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);
} else {
layout3D(uDivX, uDivY, uDivZ, uDivLX, uDivLY);