Could someone help me, please find a telecaster body file?

Does anyone have an accurate traditional Telecaster body file for Easel? I am having trouble getting the ones I cut using pdf"s to turn out right. I am wanting to run one that is proven to work to compare with what I am doing. Hopefully, I will eventually figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help.

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You could try searching this forum for umm…“guitar” ? :wink:

Here is one of the hits, maybe it could get your rollin´ :

I just realized my typo because of this quotation :poop:

I have a Telecaster Deluxe model extruded but I haven’t gotten around to finishing it.

Luckily, teles are so damn simple and ubiquitous - here’s one from GrabCAD that uses the standard cavity routes. Really, GrabCAD may be your friend here.

This is the '72 deluxe model I was diddling with - as you can see, I haven’t gotten around to putting a headstock on it. You’re welcome to it though if you like:

The cavity routes are not standard on this version though:

If you post your PDF I might be able to export the SVG and import it into Easel and share the file back to you.

BODY.pdf (16.6 KB)

Thank you.

Hi @DwightAlanChadwell

Here’s the process I went through:

  1. I downloaded your PDF.
  2. I typed into google PDF to SVG converter and clicked on the first one listed. These converters work most of the time but it depends how the file was made and what type of line segments it includes. If you have adobe illustrator or inkscape you can open the PDF in there and export the SVG too.
  3. I imported the SVG into Easel.
  4. I deleted the white square that was behind the drawing.
  5. I placed it onto the canvas and changed the material size to 30" x 30"
  6. I named the file Telecaster Guitar Body
  7. I went up to the file menu and shared Telecaster Guitar Body

You should be able to click that link and copy it into your account.

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Thank you, Zach. I’ll try it out tomorrow.

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If it is the same file @Zach_Kaplan posted in the share thread, there will still be a few shapes/objects to remove, but the body shape is 100% legit.

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Yes it’s the same file.

This version of the file has all the line segments separated so you can delete the lines you don’t want it to carve. This process was done in Adobe Illustrator.

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Awesome. Thanks a bunch.

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Let me know how it goes.

Check out the telecaster website www., Home Depot sub forum. There are links to the most used drawing drawn by Ed Hawley and Terry Downs from an early 50’s body. There is also a German website that has about every popular guitar known to man including the telecaster.