Anyone know if there is a simple way to convert a CRV file to an SVG file that can be used in Easel? I have checked the web but so far come up blank. But that’s not saying very much. Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone know if there is a simple way to convert a CRV file to an SVG file that can be used in Easel? I have checked the web but so far come up blank. But that’s not saying very much. Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
CRV files created by VCarve desktop/pro. I don’t know if Desktop version have export function but I’m using PRO. when you have drawing on the screen, you can go Export option, then choose SVG format. (Of course I’m assuming you’re the V-Carve owner.)
Thanks for the reply, and no I don’t have V-Carve. If I shared the file with you could you turn it into something I can use on Easel? I found it on woodworkers journal and they carve their own outlets on the cnc machine. I may also use that layout to mount a switched outlet off a relay controlled by my electronics when my new Dewalt 611 arrives next week. I will attach the file if I can, and if you would I appreciate it. Not to worry if you can’t. RonOutlet Mill.crv (248 KB)
No problem at all. I’ll download and send you tool paths tonight.
Thank you sir.
These are GCodes, They’re all used 0.125 End Mill. I’m also adding Picture of products. There is no Front details. This is only for Back Side. If there is any you can find, send it again, I’ll take care of it.
Outlet (4.6 KB)
Thank you very much Alan, I will check but I think that’s all they had.
I have a file that is .crv and want to have it in .svg. Can someone help me with this?HOCKEY CRIB BOARD.crv (3.4 MB)
Thank you
is it possible to get the outlet as a svg