Hey everyone,
I’m a new user to Easel and cnc routing in general. From what I can see, the .crv file is a vectric or corel file and I cant find a file convertor for it to go to .svg so that I can upload it to easel. Is there a file convertor online somewhere that someone has found that actually works? I’d like to get some vectric software, but I just cant really justify it yet. Here are the files that I’m trying to convert to svg. (They are not my work, however, they are on an open source site.)
ObraryWall_Accessories_2014-04-21.crv (1.8 MB)
ObraryWall_Wall_2014-04-21.crv (2.5 MB)
https://convertio.co is what i use and works great for me. Hope this helps!
Thanks Scott! I tried to convert the files, but I got this error. Thanks for the suggestion though.
raryWall_Accessories_2014-04-21.crv ERROR Can’t determine Type of the Input File [MIME: application/CDFV2-unknown]
I think there is something wrong with file. I tried as well with same error. But it converts my crv files. Sorry it didn’t work for your file.
I can get it to import on the trial for Vectric Cut2d desktop, but the trial is very limiting on what it will let me do. One of which is limiting me on only being able to cut 25" x 25". Whereas this file should be for a whole 4x8 sheet of plywood. This is why i am thinking that I need help converting the file to SVG so I can print on a larger scale.