Can someone tell me if you have an upgrade for the Arduino/gShield with something with four stepper motor drivers?
Thanks - Gary
Can someone tell me if you have an upgrade for the Arduino/gShield with something with four stepper motor drivers?
Thanks - Gary
Hi Gary
We are working on this:
Thanks Zach
I will order the X-Carve 1000 now if you feel you will have this option in the near future. Please let me know your thoughts on a timeline if you can, at this time. I know that is hard to do sometimes.
@GaryMcgowan The adapter board is working great and we have been extensively testing it. We are very pleased with the results.
Right now it relies on the customer buying the stepper driver board from a third party. They are available all over the place, but unfortunately the quality varies from great to very bad with underrated and questionable components.
We want to have an Inventables approved source of supply for the stepper drivers. We are close to completing this phase. We hope to announce something later this month with more information about the availability timeline.
Thanks Bart,
That will work for me. I’ll wait for your announcement.
There’s two big reasons why I’ll be choosing an X-Carve over an SO3.
(a) Customer support: Someone who might or might not be buying the product asks a question and the chief engineer comes back with a diagram explaining more than that person could have imagined to ask. Not to mention the step-by-step instructions with videos. And updates about logistics. I personally have never seen so much time and effort invested in customer support before.
(b) Configuration flexibility: I much rather have the ability to pick the size and parts I want than go with an one-size-fits-all solution (even if it has beefier rails… which I will probably not need).
The reason I am writing this in this thread has to do with (b). I am more inclined towards a 4-driver controller too and therefore my initial idea was to get a kit without a controller. Hearing about the possibility of a 4-driver controller being offered here (a 4-driver grbl controller no less) is very exciting.
Please, keep us posted!
Bart… any additional info on this?
Gary McGowan
Things are getting closer. This is a favorite project of mine, so it is getting plenty of attention.
Thanks Bart. I hope you go with it as I would like to order the X-Carve with it installed.
Gary McGowan