Unfortunately no, as it came packaged with the T8 acme lead screw, and i purchased it from china via AliExpress. So i ended up doing all the measurements myself.
However, i did find a similar product here:
While yours may be different, it shouldn’t be too difficult to discern how i did mine from this image, you can simply alter the measurements to fit your nut… Just be sure not to get a nut larger than 11mm OD on the sleeve or else you won’t be able to seat it within the nut-block without the walls becoming too thin (Flange size doesn’t really matter as you can mill it to fit)
Also, just a side note, it’s probably better to buy a nut and leadscrew as a pair, rather than separately, that way you can be sure they fit well together.
here is the full archive including PDF, PNG, and solidworks drawing and part file.
Acme_Nut_Block.zip (489.5 KB)