I would like to make my own copies of a couple of the articles listed in the Community Projects section. How do I open them in Easel? I can open the first section which I believe are simply listed as Plans, but not the section grouping of Community Projects. Thanks, Jeff
Hey @JeffPopa,
In all of my travels across this website, I haven’t run across “Community Projects” yet. Can you point me in the right direction?
Sure, if you go to the top of the Inventables webpage, next to the “FORUM” link, you’ll see “Projects”. Click on the Projects link and then, on the left hand side of the screen at the bottom, click on the “All Projects” link. Then if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you’ll come across the Community Projects. Hope that helps…
So it looks like “Community Projects” are based on remakes of projects people have posted. It’s nice when they link to the original makers’ Project so you can access the file they uploaded, but it’s apparently not required as in the original Project. It also looks like they’re in different formats (e.g. SVG, etc.) so you may need to do an import or a vectorization.
Which Project were you wanting to do?
Well, there are several signs that I really like the layout of… it would be nice if they were available in Easel so we could just change the text or whatever and then carve them like in the normal projects arena. I am very new to CNC languages and to say they need converted or vectorized has no meaning… I’m more of a drag and paste user… LOL
Then you should probably contact any of the people who have made a version of what you’re interested in to see if there’s an Easel version they can share with you. There is no G code “CNC language” involved in any of this. It really is basically “drag and paste” except you just do an import instead. Maybe do a YouTube search on Easel stuff. I know Bob at I Like To Make Stuff has a great video.