The starter set of bits all have 1/8 inch shanks.Where is the collet that fits them?
Hey Phil, the link on that page doesn’t point to the right page.
you could order this one from Inventables
You have to pop it in. It comes in two little boxes. But yes, it snaps in.
*it is awesome btw. I use it every day.
It is an ER style collet. But I ordered the collet set from Elaire and had nothing but problems with them. At work I ordered the complete set of precise collet from tinker and tinker (this is whom the precision collet is made by) and never had any problems with them. So I ordered a set for home. I know I could have contacted Elaire for support but when I was so impressed with the precision collet I just put the money down and never looked back.
I might be misunderstanding previous posts, but the 1/8" collet set from Precise Bits needs to be snapped together or it is not seating correctly. The two parts should not come apart during use.
My 1/8 bit kept breaking at random times and then would sometimes get stuck in the router (just the cage part), to the point I had to clamp it and use a hammer to tap it out. I got frustrated and ordered the precision collet and did not deal with it all. I never even used the 3/16 collet from them so I can not speak about it.
are you all talking about making the bit collection from inventables fit in the dewalt 611? I would have thought they would send that?? Can I pick something like that up at lowes or HD?
Thought I did, but went back to check order… NOPE! My bad
This is it. It was supposed to come with my X-Carve but did not. They are sending it for free, granted it is only $5.
I used a collet adapter back when I first started tinkering with cnc. had some issues with it when using it, stuck bits, bits loosening up, excessive runout etc. Bought a precision collet, and never went back. I dont even know where it is at this point, and I tend to not throw away things that “might” be useful some day.
Do you set your stock on fire before cutting it? Why’s it all black, what are you cutting?
I will just leave another vote here for the Inventables Precision 1/8" Collet set:
This thing must be bulletproof, I don’t see any way to make a higher quality one.
I have a complete, new dewalt precise bits kit including 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4" collets along with the instructables 8th inch dewalt collet I am trying to part with if your interested.
Well you best put a price in, I imagine someone will definitely want it.
$100 obo, all new never used. I payed $118 2 years ago and i don’t believe they offer all three sizes anymore in a single kit, i just switched to a different router.