Hi I am finishing my cnc and now ready to start projcts,
Have you decided if you are going to buy CAD/CAM software?
I am good in photo shop and illustrater so I used it now with easel
That is a great way to start.
I have problems with easel .I can not load any design.
looking to buy my first CNC machine. So far X-carve will be my choice.
Long time woodworking experience, zero programming. I have very many postings on this forum and i’m a bit nervous.
Is there a reasonably good chance that I will get this machine to work and actually carve some wood?
Thanks and advance for all your comments.
Inventables has done a great job putting together a very robust design, quality parts and excellent instructions. The assembly is easy and fun.
The tuning will require a bit of patience, and a willingness to reach out for help if things are not working as expected. Like any complex machine there are lots of subtle interaction betweens the mechanical and electrical systems. But nothing that a few hours and a little understanding cannot fix.
As a long time woodworker I am sure you are accustomed to the process of getting a new machine tuned and aligned.
Inventables has also made the process of design and toolpath creation very simple with Easel. You will be able to design and cut a simple project very quickly.
Once you have built the machine and used Easel to put it through its paces and completed your first 10 projects you will probably want to look at additional hardware and software that expands the capability of the X-Carve. That is one of the best things about the X-Carve, It is easy to upgrade and modify just about everything on the machine. Additional parts are not required, but most owners wind up making at least a few modifications.
And due its use of the Grbl it is easy to use lots of other software to design and create toolpaths. There are many free options and there are even more commercial software options. Many of these software packages will require a good bit of practice and study to take full advantage of the advanced options they offer. Some more than others.
But to answer your question, I would say they odds of you getting the X-Carve put together correctly, tuned and successfully carving wood is very close to 100% How far you want to go after that is up to you.
I have problems with z depths, if I had 12 mm thickness and the design cut 12mm, in real I have only 4 mm cutting. . What’s wrong ?
Did you setup the machine in easel with the proper Z-Axis rod…with either the threaded rod or the acme rod…whichever you have.
Yes I use m8 rod and setup my machine with this thread
Actually my bit 1/16 was broken when the nut through away in the first project, I use now another tip not the same as 1/16
Why my cnc not completely cut the desgin’s depth, if I have 12mm thikness and my desgin has a shape 12 mm cut in z axis, my machine all the time cut only 4 mm and leave 8 mm without cutting.
What is your DOC (depth of cut) per pass. Does the machine make several passes with out cutting any material just cuts air. If it does then you do not have you Z zero set correctly. Z zero needs to be set to the top of your material with the end mill that you will be using to make the cuts.
Also, can you measure your z-axis when you’re jogging the spindle up and down? If you move it up 20mm, can you use a set of calipers to measure how far it actually moved?
If I have 12mm thikness and the cut is -12mm , I set 0 for z and the bit touch the material , when the program finished , I measured the depth , it is 4mm , that mean I lose many steps ,
I do not use the same bit
I try to slow down the spindle
I tied z stepper motor
8 mm was remain need to cut
It is too much
Use the jog controls in Easel to raise the bit so that the tip of the bit is 70 mm above the wasteboard
Measure with a ruler to be sure the tip of the bit is 70 mm above wasteboard, then use Easel to jog the Z axis down 30mm
Measure again to see how far the tip of the bit is above the wasteboard. It should be 40 mm above wasteboard.
If it is not 40mm above then it is most likely a calibration problem
If it is 40 mm above then you probably have the pulley on the Z axis motor slipping. Check to be sure the set screws are very tight get a sharpie and draw a line on the pulley shaft and the top of the pulley so you can tell if it slips and try your cut again and check to see if the lines have moved.
How to jog the z
Use the jog commands in Easel (where you can move the spindle left/right front/back up/down).
Have you used Easel before? If not how were you controlling the X-Carve?
I have only machine control up and down for z , how I can write go up 70 or go down 30
Are you using Easel?