I’m trying to use halftoner but do not know how to set the dot spacing is there something out there with instructions thank you ckwood1@mwt.net
Searching this forum will find a lot of relevant info on this topic.
Here is one such post from Jason himself
thank you very much for the information I also have one other question maybe you can answer I get the image how I want it in halftoner v1.7 save the g-code (I am using universal g-code USG) but it will not call up do I have to go into another program to get it to call up to run on my cnc the only programs I have are
inkscape, corel draw X8, and Dmap2 and F-Engrave I am new on he cnc and really don’t know where to go for help I watch video’s but they don’t help much
Thank you again
I dont use much software with my xcarve except easel to send the gcode to the machine. Using easel you can import the gcode and then run it from there.