Sometimes the path that easel generates can bump into clamps; even though there is no cutting being done in that general area. It would be a nice feature to be able to define clamping-areas (perhaps with a negative depth?) on the workspace so that when easel generates the G-Code, it would purposely avoid traversing through these areas.
When I have a toolpath that appears to go into an area that it should not, I switch clamping methods and use a vacuum clamp. Photo attached.
I never thought of using the toolpath simulator to check for clamp interference… Thanks!!
Safe z? Isn’t that a setting?
I always use the tape glue tape method for material hold-down. Never a clamp in sight.
I too use tape and glue. Haven’t used a clamp for some time now
I destroyed a piece just last week this exact issue about an hour in it decides to slam into a clamp and then proceed to cut in the wrong place before I could run over and kill it in time to save the piece
Just offering a different hold-down method in case he hadn’t heard of it before. Not critical of his clamps, just another way of doing things. I tell you though, if you haven’t tried it, it’s super quick and easy and clean.
It is the stupid little things like this that keep me from doing anything over a couple hours and avoiding 3D entirely. Maybe one day but not till I am done learning from my mistakes.
Use that method, (painters tape and superglue) for thin material cuts for inlay work. Works like a charm!
…and swearing. Don’t forget the swearing!