I can´t find the checkbox where I can add tag for
the projects don´t fall of the board
in a youtube clip showed them that there was a check box below the cut and shape
but not in my easel
What´s wrong
I can´t find the checkbox where I can add tag for
the projects don´t fall of the board
in a youtube clip showed them that there was a check box below the cut and shape
but not in my easel
What´s wrong
If I’m understanding you correctly, you don’t have the tabs option in Easel. It only gives you the checkbox for “Use Tabs” if the item selected has a cut depth that is equal to the material depth. So if your material is .5 inches deep, set your cut depth to .5 inches in order for the tabs checkbox to show up.
Thank´s Tarry
I check later today
and give you feedback
Do you know how to move the tabs to another positions ?
Once you have the tabs showing on the work piece, you can click and drag the tabs to different positions.
Thank´s Tarry
I got the hang of it
Have a nice weekend
Awesome!!! Have a great weekend too!