Hi all does anyone know a simple way how to create a chamfer edge in easel can i use one of the apps what I’m trying to do is make a square/round picture frame with an chamfer/ bevel outside edge i just need the top surface edge to be chamfer/bevel
Thanks all
There is not an easy way in easel. The best way is to use a router table. Here is a video of a sign I recently did
could you run a 90 degree vbit along the outer edge, at a shallow depth, to give you the chamfer?
I think you could. You would have to use a vacuum table or glue and tape hold down method for the workpiece
I do this all the time with a v-bit…run the v-bit to create the chamfer then use an endmill for the profile to cut the piece out.
I’m going to try it. I’ve always used the router table
I did give that a thought the only thing with that is that I’ll have to keep an on on the carve to the pint where it gets to that particular part I need to chamfer then pause it change from a normal bit to v carve bit or I could be wrong is there a way I can specify a particular cut with a particular bit other then the normal way which is main cut then choosing a detail cutting bit for a small project
Not in Easel. You would need to create the camber in another program, then bring the gcode into Easel to carve
I’ve seen it done in f360 but I think that’s a bit advance for me was hoping there was an easy way in easel
Just offset the paths and do a V carve which has the tip of the endmill past where you’ll be cutting the profile.
I’ve only just started using easel and cnc carving so all this is new to me I’m not quite sure what you mean
I set up the chamfer edge as a simple profile cut, nothing special and can be done in any program…set the depth and go. I’ve done it in wood, corian and aluminum…works great. The router table also works great for this
Offset is not really needed…do on the line for the chamfer with the v-bit and outside the line for the cutout with an endmill.
You’ll get better edge quality if you offset. Not doing so means that any discrepancy in how the V endmill tracks and the outer profile cuts will show up on the finished piece.
So I’ve been messing about with different ways to find a way to do this and I’ve came up with a simple way
in easel if for example I’m making a name plate in the shape of an oval with a chamfered edge with engraving on the surface of the plate
what I’ve done is to do all my 1st cut with the desired bit when that has finished don’t touch the work piece you will need to of make a mark on the initial work piece of the home position this is important as once we have changed the v bit we will need to set this point as the home position again. then in easel select the bits I don’t want to carve with the v bit to zero so it doesn’t get seen then select the outline I want to use the v bit on and the desired depth and the only thing that will be carved will be the edge that worked for me
remember the deeper the depth with the v bit you will have to factor this into you design on the surface so it doesn’t carve into it
let me know if this works for you also or you have a more simple way
I usually do my chamfering in Fusion360 but to stay entirely within Easel the simplest approach is in my opinion this:
- Establish a Z-reference point outside the material to be carved, I usually use the waste board and raise the bit a certain height above it.
- Do the outline of the project (edge to be chamfered) with your go-to straight bit.
- Change to chamfer bit, re-zero using the same method as first point. No need to change work zero when Z is re-zeroed
- Use a duplicated work piece in Easel and offset the bit path either by “cheating” on the diameter or tool path/design offset.
A chamfer bit isnt effective at its center point because the surface speed of the bit is very low. Running it offset (tip running in air) utilize the edge further away = higher surface cutting speed and cleaner cut.
Cheating is such a dirty word. But if it works, is it truly cheating?
Cheating isnt truly cheating if the “offended” part dont care
The CNC certainly dont care if we cheat them
I’d have to play in easel to test it, but at work we draw a line/shape and set the 90deg v bit to centerline cut. Set the depth of cut and you have a champher, go to thickness of material and you have a beveled edge.
When you say to centerline cut do you mean on toolpath