Looks like I was able to resolve this. Recreated project from scratch, extruded the svg into empty space rather than carving it out of a block. Did the trick, and it’s performing exceedingly faster as well.
Will report back on new carve results as soon as I can.
I had success this weekend with the carve. I changed the COM port, baud rate, and removed my vac from the picture.
I will be replicating the carve with the vac to see if results are the same.
Side note- I also noticed my tabs were too short and some waste material was “kicking” into the path of the mill. This may have had something to do with it as well.
More results to come…
Same successful results with the vac.
I’m going to say this is a possible win for the COM port/baud rate fix. Topic can be closed.
Can you explain the “COM port/baud rate fix”?
See DominikMai’s post here for more details:
I am not positive this is what did the trick, but it may have, so that’s worth something…