Carving keeps stopping (Resolved)

Resolved!!. It seems that the simplest answer is the right one. I got a cheap( $18.00) 4 port hub from Amazon and I have completed several very long carves with no stopping issues.

A hub really is a different beast than an active cable. When you plug in an active cable the PC doesn’t recognize it until you add a USB device, but with a hub it recognizes it with a beep right away. So now I am using the 5M active cable connected to the hub and then a short cable to the Xcarve controller.


I am happy for you. I was not quite so lucky. A powered hub did seem to help but still had some disconnects when the carve finishes and shuts off the spindle and shopvac.
My next attempt at resolve will be an SSR ipo the IOT.

Post Link?

I am about to pull my hair out with this issue. I will try a hub next but honestly, this is BS. There has to be a better way to connect the computer to the XC controller.

If you open up the Xcontroller and connect the USB-cable directly to the motherboard, does this affect things?
Electrical noise can be a major pain in the behind, and source of noise may not always be related to the CNC itself.

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Okay, I will try that if the hub doesn’t work. Shouldn’t be this hard though.

One more question, if I had 2 circuits, would you put the XCarve and computer on one, the router and dust collection on the other, or another combination?

I would try to separate them if I could.
Mine share one circuit and when I turn the ceiling light ON or OFF it kills the USB connection. So YMMV :wink:

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I wanted to follow up, and thank you and everyone else sho chimed in for their help. I added a powered USB hub and ran a mini usb cable directly from the XController to my computer and , knock on wood, I haven’t had the issue any longer. Next step will be to put the XCarve on a dedicated power line, just for good measure. Thanks again!

It seems to me like this is a common issue for people controlling the XCarve via Laptop. The solution I found on Windows was to go to Power Options, Advances Settings, USB settings, USB selective suspend settings, and change from enable to disable.
These are set by default to enable in order to save battery. The basic concept is that, if enabled when the device is not receiving any data transfer then it will ignore the USB. By disabling this the computer will continue to recognize the USB during longer cuts when there is no data being transferred. Which keeps the cut going.
From my knowledge the Xcarve takes the milling data and stores it but also needs to be connected to the computer and internet for the whole cut. If the USB is disconnected it will end the cut. This discconection of the USB as explained above is more than just physical connection.

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Good post - but internet connection is not required for carving, only opening Easel and pull up your design/edit or save it require connection.
Easel is run from Easel Local which handle the carving data transmission.

You have a link for the hub you are using?

**Tumao USB 3.0 4-port Superspeed Hub with 5V 2A Power Adapter, Powered USB Hub Built-in 23.6 inch USB 3.0 Cable with On Off Switch LED Indicator for iMac, MacBooks, PCs and Laptops (USB 3.0 Hub with Power Adapter) **
**Sold by: Kicpot **

CDN$ 18.99

This is from as I live in Canada.


Thank you guess its only in Canada but there are similar ones .

Lots of that going around, both personally and from viewing other recent threads.

Some good advice in them that’s helped me plus there is a driver update available

So glad to find this thread. I swapped out my MacBook with a NUC and had disconnect issues. Powered hub did the trick. Thanks!