Carving Badges

Scott… my buddy who uses Illustrator… keep sending me Svg files… but easel didn’t like them . When he saves these as a Svg… how should he be saving them?
Thanks… Chuck Lyons


Save as a standard SVG, without tweaking any settings and you should be fine. There is an option to save as a compressed svg (.svgz file extension) which I’ve always had trouble importing into easel.

Another issue I’ve run into is that objects have to be “expanded” into a filled or stroked path. I can go into more detail, but basically there are tools in illustrator (mainly talking about the blend tool) that can create iterated steps between objects. It is a quick way of creating equally spaced objects or transforming a shape from one profile to another. The same goes for text. Before saving you must select the text and go to TYPE>CREATE OUTLINES.

If there are any images embedded in the file, so if a jpeg was traced or drawn over, this will have to be removed from the file before saving as an SVG.

Those are a few issues I’ve come across. If that doesn’t help here is a screenshot of my SVG setting from a project I did this weekend.

If all else fails send me the file and I’ll take a look.

When you import into Easel, you can select lines and specify the depth of those lines. IOW, if you select everything, the set the depth to 1/8" (or whatever), then unselect all, and select just the outline, then set the depth of cut to the same as your material. That way, if you are using the same bit for all parts, it will do it in one pass. If you want to vcarve the details, that’s another matter.

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Thanks C Sloan … I appreciate the information… I will give it a try.

Thanks… Chuck Lyons