Hi all!
I am working on a PCB design and I can’t use easel directly for that. So I am using a third party service (web app) that does the Gerber and Excellon conversions to Gcode. Unfortunately they also throw some code that needs to be removed prior to using easel to send the Gcode. Since easel does not support the Gcode. No biggie!
Removed the codes by hand. seemed to not affect the process…
On an attempt today to make it work, all worked like a charm but at the end of the program the bit attempted to move to the left front corner without lifting the spindle first. Almost cost me the bit and maybe the smart clamp… catched it on time… I had my hand on the kill switch
Looking at the Gcode file I found an M30 command at the end of the file that easel did not detect as an error, but it is also clearly stated in the pre processor guide that it is not supported.
So my question is what is a good end of program Gcode command that will lift the spindle to finish execution?
Also… if there is a command to machine and aniquílate the smart clamp will easel detect it or am I on my own in that department ?
Loving Carvey!