Can anyone with 270oz/9mm upgrades share their max rates and accel GRBL settings

I’ve had my machine upgraded with a linear z and 270oz steppers/9mm 3gt3 belts for a while now but I feel like the machine has more in it. Can anyone share with me their accel and max rate settings that work well with the upgraded components? I did change my Z axis rate from 500 to 750, and max accel from 50 to 300.

Max Z rate of 2000 with a linear Z. My Z accel is 750.
I’ve got my max X and Y rates at 12000 but I only have real Gates 6mm belts with 270 oz-in steppers.

I didn’t touch X and Y acceleration though.

Wow, okay, that’s impressive. Didn’t lose any steps with those speeds? I’m running the 8" direct drive 270oz linear z with the fast screw. What’s the best way to check for lost steps? I had been using a dial indicator to check accuracy.

justin, is your linear z on a 1:1 ratio? Just want to make sure.

I am doing the same, my linear Z is DIY´d though but its direct drive on a 5mm pitch screw.
Nema23 270oz with 24V PSU I got 2500mm/min and played safe with 500 for acceleration.
(Have since upgraded to 48V PSU and doubled those numbers)

yes. It’s not a cnc4newbie unit so it’s not as fast as a screw (it’s about 100 steps/mm at 2X instead of the 50 of the cnc4newbie).

I’m also running 4X microstepping instead of 2X and still not losing any Z steps.

For X and Y, I think I found that like 20000 or something caused some stalling so I backed off and no issues with the 12000 rapids.

So what exactly is there to gain with the microstepping changes? I’m still running the factory microstepping. Something I’ve never really understood.

The main benefit of micro stepping is a smoother ramp up/down of movement, consider full step “coarse”.
Increase micro step to smooth it out.

For me? Less noise at lower feed rates. It’s a lower incremental torque during motion which is why you don’t go crazy with a high value but with faster screws, I think it’s safe because your stepper is operating at a lower rpm which means it’s usually at the higher side of the torque curve. But that’s just my opinion based on my understanding of how it all works.

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Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like something I might want to look into. Justin is using 4X, what are you using Haldor? So outside of that, is there any downside to it? Do all of your machine settings need to be changed, or do you just flip the dip switches on the PCB and you’re done?

Your steps per mm need to be doubled and you should do some jogging to make sure you don’t get any stalling.

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I am running 2x on my Z but I am using a Leadshine DM856 stepper driver for that axis.
The ideal is to have no microstepping at all (in theory) as the indent (full step) positions are positionally more precise, typically within 5%. Partial step positions are sloppier, easily +/- 20% so from an accuracy stand point micro stepping - on our machines - dont really put resolution on the table.

To get started either choose full or half step, increase stepping for smoothness only until satisfied :slight_smile: