Can an X-Carve be wall-mounted?

Looked through the forums and didn’t see anything on this… Sorry if I missed it!

Would it be possible to mount an X-Carve on a wall? Like flat against the wall, so standing next to it you’d be looking at it from the usually “top” perspective? I have very little space in my garage, and thought that this might be an option.

I think the only real difference would be the x/y axis would have to lift the entire gantry section (that would usually just rest on the rails). Other than saving floor space, it might be that it’s easier to keep the cuttings from building up on the work piece.

Any ideas? I guess you could also do ceiling mount!

I think the power required to counter the force of gravity on the Y axis ( going up/back) would make this a no go situation unfortunatly.

In theory you could have some type of spring or counter weight to balance the weight of the X axis assembly. That would be an interesting project.

Maybe you could use some kind of rotational or linear spring and cable/pulley system like they use in garage doors? The counterweight idea could also work.

I think if you mounted it so that the Y axis is taking all the weight (the one with 2 steppers) it would help. That way the X axis is still pulling the same weight left to right, and the Y axis has a better chance at moving the spindle. It would make clamping the workpiece and getting the X Carve square and true an absolute necessity though.

There are several solutions where people have made fold-down tables or carts for their X Carve.

Check out Steve Carmichael’s mobile cart option here:

or Bob from I Like to Make Stuff’s fold-up table here:

Vertical CNC machines do exist

Sure but that thing is as tall as a person, comes with its own enclosure, is designed from the outset to be vertical, and costs 30x what the X-Carve does. ($36,000)

Nobody ever said it would be easy or cheap

What if one was to mount it on the wall with the Y axis vertical and the X axis horizontal. then set up cable counter weights that equal the weight of the X axis and spindle. Now the Y axis steppers are not having to lift the weight of the X and Z and spindle, just moving it.
With some wood dowels for your material to sit on then just clamp as normal.

I think it is doable.


You could easily make a vertical CNC. But I think it would be much simpler to build one up from scratch rather than try to adapt the X carve.

I am not sure the V wheels used in the X-Carve are made for a lateral load. If they are fine, if not you would need to rotate the various axis so that the V wheels are in a upright orientation.

Then however you orientate the machine you would want to replace the belts on the up down moving axis with a screw drive. If you notice most CNC and 3D printers use belts for side to side motion but screws for up and down. Belts are used because they are less expensive but screws are needed for higher loads.

You might want a more powerful motors (Nema 23? 34?) and controller. The X-Controller would be ideal :wink: .

If you are really interested in the idea I recommend taking a look at Open Builds. They have most of what you would need. However, they don’t have the end plates for gantries and such. (Though they now sell a small CNC kit so you can make you own end plates to build the big CNC kits… heh.)

If you are new to CNC I recommend going with a smaller, ready made kit. Something like the X carve. It is a tested design with lots of support and documentation. It will get you through the initial learning curve of assembly and usage. And there is a learning curve. Once you have mastered that machine. Use it and your newly developed skill to build your giant, wall covering beast :wink:
(and document it on Open Builds!)

Use a Racor storage lift and when you’re not using it, raise it to the cieling. That’s what I did and it works great!! See my post in the work space showcase.


COunter weights would certainly make things work in a near vertical configuration I think. you could use pvc tube with on end capped and fill with sand. lead weights, whatever and adjust the counterbalance as needed.

It would also be interesting to watch as it works too with everything going every which way as it runs.

The counterweights would add a lot of inertia to the system. Vertical systems are good for getting swarf out of the way though.

it is possible. You wound want to mount it so the gantry moves left to right. Then you would have to weigh the router and the remaining parts. Then purchase a constant force spring to match the weight and install it to support the weight at any position. a spring like that will hold 40 lbs is 40 bucks at mcmaster-carr.

Or just counterbalance with wire cable like old drawing boards. Boy, does that date me…

Typically used as retractors in tape measures and cable reels, these springs are wound into a tight coil to provide uniform force throughout extension and retraction. They can be wrapped around a shaft, spool, or rod; allow for 1 1/2 extra coils on the shaft at full extension to hold the spring in place. All of these springs are made of Type 301 stainless steel. The free end has one hole for attaching a load to the spring, unless noted. Wound ID, wound OD, and load tolerances are ±10%.

there is a a cnc called the The greenLean CNC machine that used one of these springs and mounts on the wall.

I really like Dennis Martins idea of hoisting it up to the ceiling when not in use although that doesn’t help if your intention is to minimize it’s footprint while in use. Unless, of course, you lowered it, set it up and raised it while it does it’s thing then lowered it again after the cut.

I just completed assembly of my SE X-Carve. Special Edition since I shortened the gantry of the 31" model by 5" and used 60" makerslide for the Y axis rails resulting in a 26" x 50" workable area for making guitar and bass patterns. It’s HUGE and I have been entertaining options of how to best fit it into my ever shrinking shop.

So far I think the tilting table idea best suits my own situation so I’m leaning that way. The only real drawback of portability is that I’d like to be able to leave my computer in it’s home no matter where I roll my SE X-Carve to and it IS nice to be able to navigate the manual axis controls when ‘homing’ with the machine in view. Until now I’ve had to relocate my computer to the machine but I want to eliminate this inconvenience. I’ve considered mounting a ‘spindle-cam’ wired to my PC (2nd computer) to view the machine from the comfort of my computer station.

haha, omg, I had exactly the same idea! I have the racor storage lift all installed, but was hesitant when I was thinking about the levelling of the table. Do you address this in your post?



word, thanks~!

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