Built in user updated materials list

I would love to be able to have a user updated database where we can post certain materials and other tips to get better cuts with those materials.
Also It would be awesome to have a sub menu added to the easel materials menu to access this where a user could look up info by doing the following:

  1. Enter a end mill that you plan on using and get a list of suitable materials for that bit.
  2. Enter a material you are using and get a list of suitable bits and their respective speeds and feeds for that material
  3. As not all materials will be the same it would help to have a option to enter where you sourced the material from.
  4. Have a rating/success system to see how many people were successful using the info listed, and possibly be able to link to a video, picture, or tutorial on your results.

I was thinking just the same :smile: I’m so new in this field that I don’t have any knowledge in wood, feeds, speeds,…
that will be such a huge help (my guess not only for me )
I’m sure will attract more users to Easel as well.