Building a powered Router lift

Hi Guys,

So i thought with some left over bits after upgrading my X carve i would try and build a powered Router lift.
I really don’t know anything about Arduinos, coding or really the hardware so it will be a bit of a learning curve.
I started by finding a youtube video which is roughly what i’m trying to do.

So i started buying bits

I went for a larger keypad as i want some additional features and with a TB6600 stepper driver, so i will need to change the wiring diagram a little to suit.

I quickly stripped off the bits i didn’t need off a cheap router i picked up and mounted my old Z axis set up to the router for testing.

The ultimate plan is to have a number of micro switches, one at the bottom of travel, one at the top and one on a bracket connected via a fly lead. The plan is the controller can be told to send the router all the way down as a “parked” position and all the way up to change the bit. The third switch will be for “homing” the bit flush with the bend top. The idea is i’d put a bit in, send the router to the parked position and then home the machine, this would keep rasing the router until the tip of the bit pushes the microswitch held on top. This should be then flush and give a starting point. Key in the depth and the router should lift up.

Well thats the plan… lol we will see if the outcome is the same. I need to play around with the electronics and the mechanical bits before mounting the whole thing in to the bench.

Might need some help on coding and connections along the way.



@PhilJohnson could you give me some advice on the connections to the TB6600? On your thread about building your own Powerful controller

Your diagram shows connecting the signal from the arduino to the + side of the inputs and then grounding the negative however on other ones I’ve seen its the other way around with the power being given and the negative side connected to the arduino. Any advice?

Thanks, What library did you use? Does it set the pin High?


For CNC-applications we just use what we call a G-Code sender (Easel, Universal G-code sender etc) to make the motors move. We dont use Arduino sketches at all nor do we program our own routines for CNC-work :slight_smile:

I would suggest you post on the forum at and ask there :slight_smile:
There may be users int he Inventable community that know how, but the chance for help I think would be greater at

bringing back an old project, now i’m in my new workshop and getting set up i’ve been working on my powered router lift.
I have the basic electronics working and the mechanical build is comming together.

I need now to sort out the power supply. I have three different voltages required but i’d like to keep the number of plug sockets down. I need to of course power the router 230v (UK mains voltage), Arduino 5v and the stepper driver 24v?

As i’ve only got the 1 stepper i’m not sure what size power supply i need. The ardunio runs its own code and the height for the lift if entered via a keypad so no connection via USB to power it.

Any recommendations?