BSA Troop carving

I did this carving (photo of almost finished piece) recently for a fellow scouter for his Boy Scout Troop as a centerpiece for their campsite when they go camping or to scouting events. I haven’t carved too much stuff yet so I was a bit concerned about taking on the project. It was the first time I set zero at dead center of the pre-cut 24" round x 1" thick piece. It turned out great and the Troop was excited to have it.


What bit did you use ?

60° V-bit

Very nice work.

That is very nice, my ToDo list has several projects for my Troop that I have have not started on yet. What software did you design with?

The Scoutmaster did the graphic and provided me a JPEG. I imported it into Easel Pro and tweaked it some since he provided the round blank. I need to find out where he sourced the wood. I also need to run it through a planer to get it absolutely even. There are a few spots where the bit skipped but I think that’s because the blank wasn’t perfectly even.

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Any of the big box stores have round material

Awesome!! Eagle Scout here myself!! I should definitely design something like this for my troop!! Sure they would appreciate it!!

How did you set 0,0 to the center, vs lower left?

Take a look at this video. X,Y 0,0 Axis and Fails in Easel - YouTube
This should answer your question @SteveKlubertanz

In Easel just drag your artwork from center of project to 0,0. When you setup the X-Carve just move “home” (0,0) to center of project.