Another MONSTER MEDAL. Someone wanted a biggun for their little lady. I sure hope she finishes her marathon. This came in at ONE POUND of solid brass and is 4" tall, 6" wide and .2" thick.
Did you design that in Easel? If so, what font is used for the ‘marathon’ word?
That is the official Little Rock Marathon logo. I searched high and low for that font and nothing comes close. I think they must have used an old fashioned illustrator to do this custom typeface. So, I imported the bitmap and spent a couple hours cleaning it up. I DID find a font that is pretty close:
If that helps you. It was not used in this piece though beyond helping to repair the word “LIttle”
This was designed in V-Carve Pro.
Wow did you do some polishing! How cool man, great work…
You’ve inspired me to make a metal tag for my keepsake box I’m just finishing. I have chosen copper as it fits better with the other materials I am using. Just need to come up with a design now.
Copper is my favorite, but it is more difficult to mill. It engraves nicely though.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, I was going for a v-bit with similar settings to your brass cut above. I haven’t had much success with metal in the past but my machine has had a few upgrades since then so thought i’d give it another go.
With copper I go shallower on profile cuts. Like, .005" DOC and move slower with the slowest possible RPMS. It has a habit of grabbing bits and snapping them off. The work has the be very, very securely held down to minimize vibration.
With engraving, I just use those cheap 30 degree engraving bits - they work great. LIke these:
.002 DOC and go .004" deep.
Nice work! The letters have an etched look to them. Did you do anything else besides carve and polish?
I face milled it down because all I had was .25" thick brass. It came out about .2" thick. My material was not 100% rock solid fastened down, which made the face milling leave ridges. That SUCKED. It has to be locked down tight and perfectly true to the machine to make face milling brass worthwhile. Dumb mistake - lots of sanding.
Do you have a video of your process?
Not a single one. Plus, I do it differently nearly every time. Here are some progress photos that might give you an idea of what is happening:
This is engraving after facemilling on the Tormach:
Here is profiling (cutting out) on the X-Carve after engraving:
Here is a jig I made to engrave several tags at once on the x-carve:
Here are those tags, finished and in a custom wooden case for my customer:
The top left fidget spinner is my first out of stainless steel. The rest are brass, copper and corian. The buttons on each are brass.
Wow. Those look truly great. Beautiful work!