My daughter wanted something “Lion King” to give to her friend for her baby shower…
Very nice! Is that all the same board, just using 3 different stains?
@Tarry_Brindle… This is a 3/4 inch thick piece of poplar, 24x12". The two colors are Varathane brand stains, ebony for the black and cabernet for the red. the rest is left natural and then rubbed the entire piece with Danish oil to finish…
How did you get such clean lines without the stain bleeding? Steady hand and a small brush?
@KyleEly… you got that right!
@KeddyKleinbergs This looks incredible, I love how it turned out. Did you stain the ebony before carving or was all the staining done after?
@AdamNorris… You know, I did have the inkling to try staining it befor the carve, but there always seems to be some sanding that needs to be done so I resisted on this one. I may try it on another piece later down he road. It would be nice not having to be so delicate when staining the details, but right now let’s just call it a test of one’s patience…
@rpegg… your post didn’t come through.
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[/quote] this is all that came through. I see this alot on this forum. Does anyone know why the Forum does this???
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what bit was used on this?
@GerrySebastian… 1/8"dual straight flute for the roughing cut, 1/16" fishtail for the detail cut.
1/8" for the 1st carving then you change the bit to 1/16" for the final carving?
can’t 1 carve with the 1/8" do it?
@GerrySebastian… There are small details the 1/8" can’t get…
what was your set-up for the cut out?
is that a 3/4" pine?
@GerrySebastian… not sure what you’re asking about “set-up”??? But the material is 3/4" poplar.
the depth set-up; was it 1/2" or 3/4" thick and did you have a tab on it?
what was your outline; on path, outside, or inside?
@GerrySebastian… There are two depths, the oval moon is cut at .125 and the rest is cut at .250. Not cut as outline, cut as fill…