Ok, so, I had everything going smoothly, the machine was working perfectly.
Then, I decided to try running it with a Raspberry Pi. I don’t know if it has anything to do with it, but ever since plugging it into that thing I’ve had issues. I tried using GrblController as a Gcode sender. It was a pain in the neck, and nowhere near as nice as Easel, but it seems like the only thing that’ll work for a Raspberry Pi, or Linux, other than UGCS. I got the controls to work sorta, though it wouldn’t jog the X or Y axis until you jogged the Z axis (it returned an error, about undefined step size). The first time I sent it a job, I did so with the Z axis way up in the air to keep it from actually cutting, and it seemed like it was working. Today, nothing. It won’t turn the spindle on, and every time it hits a limit switch (when homing) it returns “Warning: Hard Limit” and I have to close and reopen the port. Sending a job didn’t really work either, it wouldn’t do anything if I told it to Zero the machine based on where it currently was, and if I told it not to, it went to the middle of the piece, but didn’t drop the Z axis to cut.
Based on this frustration, and faced with a need to just get a part cut already, I decided to go back to my Mac.
I don’t remember if it did this before, but now, when I plug the USB cable in, all the green axis lights on the grbl shield stay on. Also, (and this is most important) when I go to run a job in Easel it goes through all the setup steps like normal, but after it raises the bit, and I click the “Start Spindle” button, it only runs for a second or less, then stops, and the machine goes unresponsive. Reloading the Easel page will re-establish the connection to the machine, but the same thing happens every time.
I’ve tried a full unplug-and-walk-away-then-come-back-and-restart and it’s still doing the same thing.
Here’s a video of what I’m talking about:
If I go back through and disable automatic spindle control, when I try to run a job it raises the bit, I turn the spindle on, and hit “GO” and the software seems to work, but the machine does nothing. It then hangs again and needs to be refreshed.